Need Help?

New to ABA or Speech & Language therapy? Worried about your child not talking, or they have just got a diagnosis of autism? We are here to help!

  1. Look after your emotional well being, seek support from family and friends.

  2. Join parent support groups online.  

  3. Drop us a message here if you would like to find out more about how we can help.

What do i do now?

It is possible that your child will need a combination of therapies, for example physio therapy, occupational therapy, speech & language therapy and behaviour analysis (ABA). Do research on therapy and intervention. Make sure there is evidence to support the intervention and contact providers for more information. 

what resources are available?

If your child attends school or nursery you may want to contact them for available resources, or ask them to apply for an EHCP for your child to get them the help they need in school. 

National Autistic Society for information about autism-
IPSEA for information on parent rights and legal advice-
BACB website to find certified ABA consultant in your local area-
HCPC website to find qualified OT, SLT and therapist of the arts-

Connect with us to hear how our specialised services can help you & your family.  Feel free to call us or send us a quick email.